At Cornea Eye Hospital your vision and your safety are our highest priorities. We are totally committed to caring for you and your family. Our facilities: 
How we are keeping our patients safe – Our experts in infectious disease prevention are working round the clock to make sure they are safe for you. We also follow guidelines from the Indian Medical Association.

1. Testing and Screening

Everyone is screened before entering our care facility.  Anyone testing positive is isolated safely from other patients, or we postpone their surgery/procedure for later. We also screen every staff member, every day.

2. Masks and Protective Equipment

Masks prevent the spread of COVID-19. Everyone wears a mask when they enter our facility. Over and above that we make the patient and attendant wear another provided by the hospital free of cost. This largely prevents transmission of infection among different patients and their attendants. Our care team is fully protected with protective equipment including a mask, face shield, gloves, and protective gown.

3. Cleaning

We frequently and thoroughly clean and disinfect surfaces throughout all of our medical offices, waiting rooms, operating and procedure rooms, clinics, and patient areas. We also clean exam, operating, and procedure rooms after each patient. And we wash our hands frequently — and have lots of hand sanitizer available for you, too.

4. Physical Distancing

We’ve redesigned our patient waiting area to ensure physical distancing which protects you, other patients, and our staff. Also, we allow only one attendant with one patient, so that the hospital is never crowded.

5. Ultra Violet Sanitization Tower

We disinfect our consultation rooms, waiting area, procedure rooms, and operating rooms with powerful UV light sanitization tower before & after each OPD session and surgery. 

6. Air Purifier with Plasmacluster Technology

We have installed best in the class air purifier with Plasmacluster technology (from Japan) in the Consultation area and Operation theatre. Plasmaclusters are known to deactivate Viruses, bacteria, and Molds.

7. Ventilation

With the new guideline from WHO, IMA, and MHA we keep our OPD waiting area open and well ventilated. A powerful exhaust fan has been installed in the examination room and machine room so that fresh air circulation can be maintained.